the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.
the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.
the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.

Call us: +44 (0) 118 946 1900


Saving Money with Fixed Priced Weighing
March 05, 2014
Cambridge City Council has found a successful way to keep its weighing equipment in perfect order whilst keeping costs to a minimum. For the past 5 years, under-body weighing kit on the authority’s 25 strong fleet of refuse vehicles has been maintained by Vehicle Weighing Solutions (VWS) under a fixed price contract that is renewed annually.
David Cox, Fleet Manager, Cambridge City Council said: “We need our weighing equipment to be in good working order to avoid any over-loading, which could threaten our operators license. Before we used VWS weighing equipment we used to have to pay every time a load cell failed.”

VWS Brings Power of APOLLO to the 2014 CV Show - Stand 5j114
March 04, 2014
The market leader in vehicle on-board and underbody weighing systems, Vehicle Weighing Solutions (VWS) will be presenting a host of new products at this year’s Commercial Vehicle Show. The APOLLO range of Axle Weighers offers slow speed and portable weighing solutions for the fleet operator and enforcement agencies.
Manufactured in Britain by VWS the APOLLO range is the next generation of “In-Motion” and static axle-by-axle weighing.

VWS Servicing Pricing - Breaking News
February 25, 2014
For our valued customers we are advising that following a review of our charging structure we propose to make the following changes from 1 March 2014. We hope this will prove more cost effective for your organization.
We are abolishing the travel and mileage elements of our pricing structure. The hourly rate will be £64 for site time only, together with a nominal call out fee which will be determined by the site postcode. You will be notified of this call out figure prior to commencement of our visit but you will also be able to find the tariff on our VWS Service Map.

Southern Municipal Exhibition - 14 May 2014
February 19, 2014
Meet the leading industry municipal and waste management manufacturers and service providers that are based in the South East.
The day will be split between an exhibition and seminar programme which will allow delegates to network and learn from best practice that has been tried, tested and approved by all.

Highway Vehicle Overloaded Detection System & Vehicle Classification
November 19, 2013
H-VODS-VC is an adaptive weigh station measuring and control system designed to count, classify and weigh vehicles as they drive through a weighbridge site. It automatically detects and sorts overloaded, overheight and overlength vehicles and calculates the fines to be imposed on offenders.

Northern Municipal Exhibition 2013 - Roaring Success
October 21, 2013
The show, organised in conjunction with Vehicle Weighing Solutions Ltd and Hopdeals, hosted a range of industry leading exhibitors from the equipment and services sector of the municipal waste industry.
The morning was abuzz with exhibitors and visitors milling around the venue undeterred by the morning showers outside. The conference area kicked off with a talk from Backhouse Jones Solicitors on Operator Legal Compliance. Later guest speakers included members of CHEM, URoc and WRAP and VWS’s Julian Glasspole & Shaun Hamilton.

Tip-Ex 2013 Top Industry Award
June 18, 2013
British manufacturing company and the UK’s market leader in on-board vehicle weighing, VWS was awarded Innovation of the Year for their new approach to on-board weighing.
The judges were impressed by VWS’s new approach to on-board weighing for tippers that not only saves weight but also money. Its new system, “Tipper Weigh Bar”, does away with the usual hefty load cells under the body’s tipper hinge trunnions. Instead, VWS can supply a strain gauged load sensing pin, fully sealed against the environment that replaces the hinge bar. This saves weight (between 70kg and 100kg) and there is a cost saving of at least 35% according to VWS. The first three prototypes have clocked up six months service in field trials with one operator and VWS is set to begin series production pending an arrangement with a bodybuilder. The award was sponsored by Bandag.

Weigh & See - New Innovations Showcasing at PAWRS 2013
May 28, 2013
The British market leader in load-cell technology, on-board weighing and bin-weighing, Vehicle Weighing Solutions (VWS), is unveiling its newest innovation at PAWRS this year. ‘Weigh & See’ combines the latest in vehicle CCTV camera technology with VWS on-board weighing equipment to provide a single display that includes weighing data.
Julian Glasspole said: “Our latest product combines 360° round vehicle visibility with load information, on one display, for all round safer vehicle operation.”

Market Drives Grundon's New Bin Weighing Fleet
May 12, 2013
The UK’s largest privately owned waste management company, Grundon, has installed ENVIROWEIGH bin weighing systems from Vehicle Weighing Systems Ltd (VWS) to 21 of its latest fleet of trade waste and Front End Loader collection vehicles.
Stephen Townsend, Group Fleet Engineer explains: “Increasingly, customers are stipulating bin-weighing on tender specifications, so this is a direct response to market demand.” Conference 2013
April 16, 2013 Conference & Exhibition 22nd October 2013
“The Low Budget Event The Weather Can’t Spoil”
Vehicle Weighing Solutions and have teamed up to create a low budget event based on keeping things simple and pulling together associated companies to keep things as good but as low budget as possible without losing the professional touches.
Our first event of three which we are planning strategically located at Manchester United football ground which has already been secured on Tuesday 22nd October 2013.

VWS Supports Local MP's Job Fair Launch
March 21, 2013
On Friday 8 March Rob Wilson MP joined organising partners to launch his next Reading Job Fair at the Penta Hotel.
Rob was joined by Sue Brackley from Reading UK CIC, Julie Rossington from National Apprenticeship Service and Alec Jeeves from the Penta Hotel, where the event will be held. Also in attendance was James Freeman, Chief Executive of Reading Transport, who provided the bus for the launch.

Chesterfield MP Visits VWS Installation Workshops
February 11, 2013
On Friday 1 February Toby Perkins, Labour’s Member of Parliament for Chesterfield will pay a special visit to the Chesterfield premises of Vehicle Weighing Solutions Ltd (VWS) to mark the official opening of its impressive installation facilities.
Toby Perkins MP said: “Chesterfield has a rich and proud manufacturing heritage and I’m delighted Vehicle Weighing Solutions (VWS) have decided to invest in the town’s future. “I’m delighted to be participating in VWS’s official opening in Chesterfield and look forward to seeing the firm grow in years to come.”