the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.
the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.
the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.

Call us: +44 (0) 118 946 1900

Whole Type Approval
December 2014
Vehicle Weighing Solutions Ltd (VWS) bin-weighing and onboard weighing systems are now approved to comply with the new Whole Vehicle Type Approval regulations. This means that body builders can add a VWS system to their vehicles without it requiring further testing.
The No 1 vehicle weighing supplier for many local authorities and private contractors in the UK, VWS design and manufacture their own load cells and weighing systems and have received EMC (Electro Magnetic Capability) approval under ECE Regulation 10.04. VWS invested a significant amount of time, money and resources during the testing process to make sure its full range of underbody weighing, axle load protection and bin weighing systems are covered by the approval.
The new Whole Vehicle Type Approval regulations that came into force on 29 October this year mean that refuse vehicles can no longer be registered as incomplete vehicles and many body builders are still wading through the minefield of approval rules to ensure they are compliant. As part of the vehicle approval EMC has to be addressed for any electrical components that are added to the vehicle and that are operational when the vehicle is in motion.
Julian Glasspole, Managing Director, VWS said: “This approval means that body builders that used the IVA (Individual Vehicle Approval) route to register vehicles can add our weighing systems without worrying about WVTA. Our kit is already compliant.”
VWS belongs to a family of complimentary British companies known collectively as specialising in the design, manufacture, installation and servicing of load cells, weighing and traffic monitoring systems.