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Cheque Presentation from One OWL to Another
August 2012
The money was raised from the proceeds of a hog roast held at the Plant & Waste Recycling Show (PAWRS) in Torbay earlier this summer. The donation will go towards the charity’s Fund-a-Bird scheme, which aims to rehabilitate homeless birds of prey, such as owls.

Vijay Maru will present the cheque on behalf of Vehicle Weighing Solutions, alongside Jason Airey of CMS Supatrak and Dave Tucker from Vision Techniques.

The OWL (Optimised Waste Logistics) partnership comprises the UK market leader in vehicle weighing and axle load protection, Vehicle Weighing Solutions, together with telematics specialists CMS SupaTrak and vehicle safety equipment provider Vision Techniques. The purpose of OWL is to provide a joined up approach to waste collection as well as providing a benchmark for best practice in the sector. The benefits of OWL include reduced fuel consumption, lower carbon footprint and a safer fleet of vehicles.


The Hawk Conservancy Trust is a conservation charity and award winning visitor centre that has for many years worked in the fields of conservation, education, rehabilitation and the research of birds of prey.

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