the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.
the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.
the weighing experts
Experts in delivering
world class weighing
We specialise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of underbody weighing, bin weighing, overload protection systems, axle weighbridges and software solutions.

Call us: +44 (0) 118 946 1900

Grundon Trade Waste Fleet Goes Dynamic with Bin Weighing
October 2014
This month the UK’s largest privately owned waste management company, Grundon, will have installed the ENVIROWEIGH bin weighing system from Vehicle Weighing Solutions Ltd (VWS) to over 50 of its trade waste collection vehicles and the number is set to keep rising.
Stephen Townsend, Group Fleet Manager, Grundon explains:
“Many customers now stipulate bin-weighing equipment on tender specifications so this is a direct response to market demand. At the moment we use the technology to identify heavy containers, but ultimately we are moving towards pay by weight because that’s what our customers are starting to ask for.”
The vehicles are a mixture of FEL’s and Trade Waste, which range from the 32-tonne FEL on Volvo chassis to 15-26 tonne Trade Waste on DAF chassis with a combination of Heil, Dennis, NTM and Geesink equipment.
“The ENVIROWEIGH system is highly accurate and, because it is ‘weights and measures approved’, it can be used for pay for weight services. It can also be installed onto all makes and models of vehicles. Combined with potential bin tag and chip technology we will have the necessary data to monitor collections closely and help our customers to improve their recycling efficiency, hence reducing landfill tax from residual waste.”
The No 1 vehicle weighing supplier for many local authorities and private contractors in the UK, VWS design and manufacture their own load cells and weighing systems here in the UK.
As part of the contract VWS worked with the Heil factory to engineer the fitment of load cells onto the forks of 4 Euro Half Pack Front End Loaders, for which VWS built a 45ft testing ramp to make sure the weighing equipment still functioned accurately, even when the vehicle is operating at extreme gradients.
Julian Glasspole, Managing Director at VWS said: “We are delighted that Grundon have chosen us as their weighing partner. Feedback from the marketplace is showing our system to be the most reliable, adaptable and accurate bin-weighing system available. We’ve developed data collection, storage, transfer and manipulation solutions to suit any IT infrastructure and the system can interface with the latest software, GPS and telemetry technologies for remote monitoring.”
Stephen added: “Like Grundon, VWS is a British company and we are keen to support UK manufacturers. We are planning to order another tranche of weighing systems from VWS and look forward to continue working with them in the future.”
VWS belongs to a family of complimentary British companies known collectively as specialising in the design, manufacture, installation and servicing of load cells, weighing and traffic monitoring systems.